Ok, I'm just going to jump into this: I've stood by & watched "christians" both perpetrate and encourage hatred for too long, and I must say, that this election process has been the nail in the coffin for me & my relationship with conservative evangelical Christianity. Truth be told, it was already being lowered into the ground.
When I witnessed the vigor with which many "christians" were lauding Trump as being "chosen by God," readily excusing his unconscionable behavior and calling it "forgiveness" and going so far as to tell anyone willing to listen that God had commanded them to vote for Trump, I was finished. For anyone to suggest such a thing, is to completely ignore the fact that we were given free will, and His very clear command that we are to love each other, which also means respecting others' rights to make decisions for themselves that should only be between them & God. That kind of rhetoric turns God into a dictator, which He isn't. It was then that I realized the god they thought they were following isn't God at all.
I still trust in God, and I believe 100% in His Word, but I will no longer listen to their "interpretation" of it or blindly accept everything they have to say about it without having my own conversation with God about it. That's what a relationship with God should be, after all.
There are certain things that have been hammered into my brain during my mostly fundamentalist upbringing that have never matched up with the God I know, and now that I'm able to dig for answers, I'm finding that some of them are out there, for those of us who are willing to search them out. Might I suggest reading some Michael S. Heiser. He is a true Christian man who isn't afraid to study and figure out what scripture really says and interpret it accordingly, rather than interpreting it with preconceived beliefs in mind. You might find some of the things he has to say shocking. I don't even necessarily think he is correct about everything he says, but that's the beauty of having a relationship with God: it's between you & Him. No one is required to believe everything they've been told. It's much more beneficial to seek out what He has to say anyway.
Lastly, as a survivor or abuse, I am simply incapable of being ok with what just happened in our country. I view the election of an obvious abuser (I know one when I see one, believe me) to the presidency as a threat to me personally, and I'm willing to, with God's help and blessing, do what is necessary to see that my safety is not jeopardized, and if that means putting up a fight, so be it.
I'm clinging to the truth, and looking on the real bright side: maybe Jesus is coming much sooner than anyone can imagine. 😉